Squad Goals

As a young adult we now grasp the saying "Squad Goals". We start understanding, achieving and obtaining goals knowing the benefits of having an support system. Individuals who uplift you in your good and bad and will simply keep it real with you not because they have to but because they love you enough to do so. During this process you start to really identify with the laws of attraction. We become familiar with terms like alignment, connection, manifestations and source/energy just to name a few.


Nizuc Resort & Spa

So this 5-star beauty of a resort has 274 luxury suites and private villas dispersed on 29-acres of property located in the secluded enclaves of Punta Nizuc, Cancun.  

Some Progress Is Better Than No Progress

I believe that some progress is better than no progress. Some may relate progression as the task is accomplished. But to me getting one step closer to a goal or dream is progress. Always push to reach your heart's desires but sometimes our expected time frame may not always workout when pursuing things we want to accomplish.

Indoor Camping Inspiration

All I know is my kids would love this indoor camping space. If I had an attic I would totally do this. I would place some glow in the dark stars on the ceiling to bring the outdoor element indoors. This would be a good reading space and a fun space for your family or guest to enjoy. Also, a great space to set up a nice picnic or romantic dinner with your love.


I remember  when I was young cake art was a few words, toys and/or a simple plastic design that you would just sit on the cake. Today, cake creativity has become more realistic and pretty much a work of art, a true edible sculpture of sweetness.

The Dreamcation

Sedona, Arizona

Imagine being surrounded by red rock, I know doesn't sound so spectacular but Sedona, AZ (aka Red Rock) is one of most beautiful, serene places to visit in Arizona.