Squad Goals
As a young adult, we now grasp the saying "Squad Goals". We start understanding, achieving and obtaining goals knowing the benefits of having a support system. Individuals who uplift you in your good and bad and will simply keep it real with you not because they have to but because they love you enough to do so. During this process, you start to really identify with the laws of attraction. We become familiar with terms like alignment, connection, manifestations and source/energy just to name a few. We understand that our thoughts become our reality, our energy is exchanged from one person to another and I believe what we put out into the universe is what we will attract. We all should ask ourselves "Does my inner circle add or subtract value from my life. I hope your answer is adding. If your answer is subtracting or you are unsure then we have some things to think about and re-evaluate in your life. As some would say the circle we hang in is a reflection of who we are as individuals. We must start within and with self before choosing individuals within our circle successfully. I came across a few exercises via The Laws of Attraction.com website to start your self-reflection that hopefully will transfer into our relationships and friendships with others. I hope these 10 tips help you manifest more value within your life.
1. Be Grateful- Be thankful for the great things that you already have in your life. Try writing in a gratitude journal or just taking a few minutes before you go to bed to think of all the good things that happened to you that day.
2. Create a vision or dream board- Create a board. Cut out (or print out) pictures and words that represent your goal, and stick them to this board. Hang the board somewhere you will see it daily. This will help you visualize your dream.
3. Simply Visualize- Just close your eyes and try to imagine your dream coming true, focus on the details and the feeling that you would have. This should be a daily practice.
4. Use affirmations/motivation quotes- Choose a few positive affirmations and repeat them every day. Read motivational quotes whenever you get a chance. They will remind you that you can achieve whatever you want.
5. Meditate- Regular mindfulness practice will help you reach peace of mind and well being, greater focus, and a more positive outlook on life. Meditation will also keep you centered and aligned with the things around you.
6. Goal Setting/ To Do List- It is important to actually set a goal. Decide in your mind that this is something you are going to accomplish. Write it down to make it more real. What steps are you going to take towards your goal? How will you be ready to seize the opportunity when the universe sends it to you?
7. Write a positive list- This is similar to a gratitude list, but it is an expanded version and you can also add all the things that you are looking forward to.
8. Emotional Freedom Techniques- You can use EFT (Tapping) to clear resistance (old blocks or limiting beliefs that contradicts your desire). The basic idea is to lightly tap your fingertips on acupuncture points while expressing positive feelings.
9. Spread Positivity- Smile, laugh, say nice things to people. Be supportive. Don’t complain or try to limit getting angry. Part of spreading positivity is doing random acts of kindness. Commit to doing this at least once a day.
10. Let Go, Get Rid of Negativity and Limiting Beliefs- It is important to let the universe do its thing. To stop obsessing about something, and worrying that it will not happen. Let it go and relax. Cut out negative people from your life. Those who are constantly in a bad mood and see life as “a glass half empty”. Do you think that you will not be able to reach a certain goal for some reason? Try to understand why you think that. It is probably just a dis-empowering belief that you need to get rid of.
Now inhale, then exhale... you got this!!!
The Dream Style
Photo: Black City Girl