Some Progress Is Better Than No Progress
I believe that some progress is better than no progress. Some may relate progression as the task is accomplished. But to me getting one step closer to a goal or dream is progress. Always push to reach your heart's desires but sometimes our expected time frame may not always work out when pursuing things we want to accomplish. If you set a time frame and things do not work out, please let me assure you that it's not a failure. Just some processes take longer than others. Don't be that person that downplays other's ideas or journey either. No one likes Debbie or Darryl Downer's, don't be "That Guy or Gal". Never allow anyone to dictate the cruise control of your path because really it takes one day at a time. When things are meant to happen, everything will work out. Believe in "Divine Timing."
True Story: My mother decided to go back to school at 76 years of young to give her something to do during retirement. A course, the family and I didn't think it was necessary but we had to allow her to do something that was very important to her. Through the process, I am proud to say she received her GED at the age of 78. If she had kept sight over her life of the time frame or how slow the progress was taking she may have never done it. But she kept sight on obtaining it and believed that she would finish and she did. I actually believe it made her a few years younger.
So with that being said, never question the timing just keep pushing and believing in yourself.
The Dream Style