How Do You Stay Motivated?
Staying motivated on a goal can be very challenging at times and tough even under the best circumstances. I don't care how many lists are made, rejections received, how well thought out your plan is, how prepared you may be keeping motivation during the process can be a struggle. Forbes provided some insightful tips for staying motivated and believe me, I took notes, as well.
Set a goal, and visualize down to each minute of the details- See it, feel it, hear the sounds that go with the desired result.
List reasons you want to accomplish the goal(s)- It's easy to be blown off course. This is why you have to stay grounded. Studies have shown that writing down a list engages more brain activity and creates a mental connection in the process. I often like a list to refer back to.
Have a strategy and be prepared to change the course- Quotes like "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Or, "The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Each attempt is a success, really soak that in.
Get the help you need- Sharing your messages sends a strong message to the universe and also to your unconscious mind which can sometimes be discouraging. And sometimes we can overestimate our abilities when help is needed but we are too afraid or prideful to ask.
Continuously check in with your reasons for carrying on with the task- Internally driven is key. If you want it, no one or nothing can stop you.
See the big picture- Sometimes simply asking "Why we are here?" is a way to self-motivate. Learning and building from the process sometimes within itself is a great success.
Stay motivated, my friends with this food for thought!
That 1%...
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