The Dream Style
The Synergy Effect

The Synergy Effect


When you are amongst others what energy are you producing and exchanging? Is the magnetic effect positive or negative? Rituals are done around the world because of the connection to the emotional body. The subconscious can not decipher what is and what it thinks it is. It accepts all input and will file, categorize and label experiences based on our senses. It is altered by danger or any impression or pattern from what we experience. This is how phobias, fears, and habits set in but it is also the place of love, compassion, and hope. Intuition is the direct communication from your subconscious. Deja vu can come like precognitive dreams, or what some call as the "Super" consciousness.

Our interaction with things that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual is our synergy. I once was told, “Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts." Most people talk about how soothing candle burning can be and this is a great reason as to why because candles can be used for a healing process. I'm not stating to go out, set up a scene and start chanting, I'm just stating be conscious of the energy we take in from all elements.

As I did some research on this topic I found other interesting facts like healing candles are only to be used for that purpose. The shape and color of things play an important role in the configuration of energy. Shapes gauge the energy structure and colors/scents affect the channeling of energy. The color of the candle is the frequency you will amplify and release. Also, I found interesting to never extinguish aflame with your breath. The breath is energy affecting the force and is used in other forms of healing. The two creative forces of 'breath' and 'flame' can conflict with the creative forces and desired effects. Instead, use a metal cup or flame snuffer made for this purpose.

The study of candle healing goes much deeper than what I've given but I found this information to be very interesting and wanted to share. I have provided below a simple color chart and what each color represents a healing experience. You can see the correlation between some of the colors and their meanings. I hope this sparks some interest in your healing process or journey.

Now what’s your synergy effect!

The Dream Style

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