Jumping into 2018 challenge
Happy New Year!!! Blessings to ALL in 2018...
How is the new year starting for you? My 2018 has started calm and peaceful with a splash of joy. I'm filled with gratitude and thankful to see another year in a chaotic time and world we live in. But I've also started the new year in deep meditation about 2018 and the new chapter I'm gliding into on my life journey.
It's crazy how you go through unexpected life experiences during your growth in coming of age. Many times and experiences not by choice but when you sit back and look at the time; every person, place, job, a situation no matter good or bad was exactly what was needed to get you to a better state/state of mind. A better state of peace, state of love, state of...
I want to challenge us all in 2018 to do something new. Do something you would have never done, something you have never made time for, or just haven't done for whatever reason. Meet new people, go to a new restaurant, try a new cuisine, wear a new color, travel to a new city/country, just to do something new. Step out of your comfort zone, face the goal, take it by the horns and enjoy the experience. You will never know how the outcome will be if you have never tried or gave up halfway through when times got rough. Never put achieving your full potential in something on hold because of fear, hesitation or overwhelming uncertainty. Be encourage, new year and experience are awaiting you.
Success in life is calling your name, the world is yours!
The Dream Style