Advocating Self-Love
I often indulge in regularly self-care and urge those not convinced to do the same. A self-care routine is a time to unwind, meditate, and reset during daily routines. Today, there are a variety of self-care practices, so be kind to yourself. We all are tempted to use unhealthy coping mechanisms to feel good, but the relief is only temporary. Appropriate self-care has long-term benefits for the mind, body or both.
Here are some benefits from
Better Productivity: Make time for things that matter more. This brings your goals into sharper focus.
Improves resistance to disease: Research evidence proves self-care activities activates your PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System. This is your body going into rest, rejuvenating mode which strengthens your immune system.
Better physical health: Research has shown that regular self-care activities result in fewer colds, cases of the flu and upset stomach. Less stress and a healthier immune system promote enhanced self-esteem overall. Regularly taking time to meet your own needs send a positive message subconsciously to help decrease negative self-talk and the critical inner voice. It also increases the exercise of what makes you feel passionate about and inspired by.
More to give: When good to self it provides you with the skill to be compassionate to others. You can’t fill someone else’s bucket, if you don’t have enough in your own!
5 Main Categories of Self Care/Ideas
Sensory Self Care: Taking a trip or drive and focusing on the smell of the air or watching the flames of a candle or fire. The feel of the water on your skin during a bath. Focusing on the movements of your own breathing while meditating. Having a massage with essential oils or having a delicious snack.
Emotional: It may be easier to push feelings of sadness or anger down but feel them, accept them and move on. Keep a daily journal so you can be honest about your feelings or see a therapist someone who can provide an unbiased opinion, and can help you navigate through your emotions. Make time for family and friends. Deliberately think and laugh about old memories, photos and videos.
Spiritual: Even if you’re not religious you can still promote self-care by getting in touch with your values and what really matters to you. Developing a sense of purpose can lower your stress levels by keeping a daily meditation or mindfulness practice. Daily make a list of 5-10 things you’re grateful for or establish daily affirmations. Be creative through art, music, writing or something else.
Physically: Exercise, dance to your favorite song, do yoga, join a class or try a new sport. Simply just go on a walk, take a nap, learn to say “no” and not over-exert yourself. Lastly, commit to getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
Socially: It doesn't matter if you an introvert or extrovert connecting with other’s is necessary when choosing to do something with people who make you feel good. Make date nights with friends and/or love one’s. Write or call someone who lives far away or consider joining a group or club of people who share the same interests so you can meet new people. Avoid socializing with those who undermine or disempower you.
Self-Care allows you to give the best version of yourself!
The Dream Style