Keeping That Summer Time Fine
As an advocate of glowing, natural skin I love to share my beauty regimen to maintain beautiful and healthy skin. Even though, there are many factors or health things related to good skin a good regimen or routine will always point you in the right direction of healthy, blemish-free, flawless, glowing skin. This simple routine will show changes in your skin that you will see within several days.
Exfoliate-Shedding cells will help keep your skin from looking dull and dry. You may want to pick a different exfoliate for your face and your skin. Skin exfoliates may be too abrasive for your face, a Regular facial can also promote glowing, healthy skin by the attention to your pores. When using an exfoliate use in circular movements and continue to do this 2-3 times a week year-round.
Sunscreen-Sunscreen is not meant to last forever, so always throw away old unused bottles for new ones in SPF 30 or 70. If you are in the sun for long periods, reapply every couple of hours. Sunscreen reduces burning, sunspots and other symptoms which are common results of too much sun exposure.
Minimal Make Up- In the summer season less make up is best. Allowing your skin to breath in warmer temperature and intolerant sun, a more natural look is beneficial.
Water- To maintain healthy skin your consumption of water is a great way to keep your skin quenched and is a natural skin moisturizer. You should intake at least 8 glasses of water and drink water at least every 30 mins. Water helps keep your skin fresh, prevents dehydration and flushes out toxins.
Hydrate- Time to put away your heavier products like body kinds of butter, gels, and purees are easier on the skin in the summer. The best time to lock or seal in moisture is immediately after a bath or shower.
Summer Glow-, Find a product to help add a glowing tint but this is optional. Tanning booths are not a good long-term agent and your color tints gradually build over time. Today, you can find several products to assist with the level of glow you are looking to achieve. One of my favorite products is the Jergen's Naturally Glowing Moisturizers. I also love the pleasant scent of this product.
Don't forget your feet- Pedicures are great for exfoliating your feet. There is nothing worse than dull dry feet inside a cute sandal. A more cost-efficient solution would be a visit to a beauty school or purchase your foot file and with the use of your body or foot scrub. Scrub your feet at least weekly to keep down the build-up of cells.
Now go get your glow on with your beautiful skin!
Sparkle, Shine, Shimmer & Glow...
The Dream Style