Your Journey Is Right On Time
Sometimes, progression seems to take forever because as humans we want to see an instant change. But you have to believe that everything is done in timing which I frequently refer to as divine timing. Divine timing is the idea that everything happens at its exact right time. I like to think of it as the time it takes from when I receive an epiphany or inspired thought of where I should go next in my life, to when this thought is manifested into a reality. Once you grasp this concept your journey will unfold right before your eyes. I came across an article that talks about " The 4 Universal Time Rules" that put a few things in perspective for me. Not trying to sell, or convince you of anything just asking for you to give it some thought and apply what you find beneficial to your life.
Universal Time Rule #1: Everything Is in Flux:
Everything is changing which is constant at all times. When we forget that transformations are constantly happening we can become attached to situations as they were or as they are. Buddhist believe that suffering and grief come from an attachment to how things are, or were, or might be. Yet when we understand that change is a part of life, we have an easier time accepting and start living in the moment. You have to accept the time in flux. Anchor yourself in the present and deal with things as they are present because they could change for better or worse at any given moment.
Universal Time Rule #2: Timing Matters
You have to understand that timing is on our side for the good of things. Greatness cannot be rushed but only critiqued and improved during the process. Don't assume things are not changing because you can't see it because the universe is working in the background.
Universal Time Rule #3: Trying to Force Matters or Pressure People Doesn’t Work
If you’re impatient, you may end up issuing ultimatums and limitations on yourself. This causes you to inflict disappointment and frustration on yourself with the possibilities of giving up. If you feel the need to set boundaries or issue an ultimatum, on a situation be prepared for the changes to come. And just accept that other people's timing isn’t yours.
Universal Time Rule #4: Impatience Calls for Exploration
Fear is usually the driver of impatience, so this is the perfect time to explore your fears. Examine them to see if any outside pressures are causing this. By understanding your fears, you’ll have an easier time letting go of it, if it doesn't work out. Then you’ll be more patient and you can focus on the process of transformation. Understanding when the universe supports certain actions versus when it urges you to be patient can help you make the best decisions possible.
Become aware of the four universal time rules and start working hand in hand with your Divine timing today.
The Dream Style
Excerpts: Alexandra Harra