Tag, You're It...
Yes, being fully aware that tagging is against the law... yadda yadda yadda.
I get it but could graffiti or street art be legal if done in an orderly fashion or to beautify a space. When I think of tagging yes I think of destroying or defacing property probably because of the word tagging. When I think of graffiti or street art it automatically makes me think of the glorified term for tagging. I'm all for adding some character, pop of color and letting the imagination flow when others may want to keep it simple clean, black and white mode. Murals are also used for memorable times and for people within the world or community that have inspired us. This beautiful art is a great way to keep the inspirations alive. I enjoy visiting various places/cities and taking a day to check out the hard work of talented artists. Every city seems to have an art district in some form such as; Phoenix, AZ Roosevelt's Row, NYC's Bushwick or the 5 Pointz (that once stood proudly), the LA downtown art district, West Philadelphia "Love Letter" collection, Miami's Wynwood Art District, Washington D. C. Rhode Island Avenue murals, Atlanta, GA Krog Street Tunnel and the list goes on. Being from the east coast and the DMV area the legendary Go-Go artist Chuck Brown murals displayed around D. C. are some of my favorites to visit when I'm in that area.
I'm an art lover, so I hope these visual masterpieces inspired you in some way!
The Dream Style