The Dream Style
Hot Strawberry Cider

Hot Strawberry Cider

It's the time of year to pull out the warm clothing, boots, scarfs and warm entrees; such as soups, chowders, stews, as well as, warm beverages. Cider is a popular drink during the holidays warm or cold. I'm personally not a fan of cider and or apple cider so I'm always looking for alternatives. Hot chocolates, pumpkin spice lattes are good but I also have to be a little extra with everything so I like to spice it up a notch. I thought this Hot Strawberry Cider would be a good option for the holidays. I enjoy this drink warm or over ice but I will admit the drink warm will take your palate to another place. It's also a good mixer if you wanted to add alcohol to it. If so, I would stick with a dark liquor something that would mix well with the apple and spices of cider. I have also added the nutritional facts for the healthier conscious individuals.

I hope the aroma and taste warm your taste buds, heart, and home... Enjoy!


  • 8 cups apple cider or apple juice

  • 1 10 - ounce package frozen sliced strawberries

  • 4 inches stick cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon whole cloves

  • Fresh strawberry or apple slices (optional)

  • Cinnamon sticks (optional)


  1. Combine cider or juice, frozen sliced strawberries, the 4 inches stick cinnamon, and cloves in a large saucepan. Bring to boiling and reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain through a sieve lined with 100-percent-cotton cheesecloth.

  2. To serve, pour cider mixture into eight heatproof glasses or cups. Garnish each serving with a cinnamon stick and a fresh strawberry or apple slice, if desired. Makes 8 (8-ounce) servings.

Nutrition Facts

(Hot Strawberry Cider)

Servings Per Recipe 8, vit. C (mg) 17, carb. (g) 43, fiber (g) 3, sodium (mg) 9, cal. (kcal) 158, calcium (mg) 10, iron (mg) 2

The Dream Style

Photo: Mid-West Living

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